Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin
29 April 2017

Perisonic concert performance, Dublin Sound Lab, SMock Alley Theatre, Dublin Perisonic, part I (photo: Brendan Corcoran)

PERISONIC is a large-scale, immersive, sound and video-panorama of Dublin. Immersed in surround-sound, the audience is invited to travel through a strangely uninhabited Dublin, revealed through a series of audio portraits and reconstructed in enigmatic visual perspectives.

Originally commissioned by Dublin Sound Lab for Music Current Festival 2017 to mark the 230th anniversary year of the patent application for ‘panorama painting’ made by the, now little-known, Irish artist Robert Barker. In the 18th century, Barker created massive large-scale panoramic paintings of exotic cityscapes, which were exhibited in a purpose-built gallery in London. These paintings provided visitors with a 360° visual likeness of places to which they could only dream of travelling. Barker’s paintings might be said to be precursors to today's virtual reality experiences.

In this major collaboration, composers Scott McLaughlin, Gráinne Mulvey, Fergal Dowling and creative producer Sabina Bonnici, extend Barker's vision of a 360-degree experience by re-imagining a cityscape constructed in pure sound, with accompanying visuals by video artist Mihai Cucu.

Gráinne Mulvey, Part I,surround sound
Fergal Dowling, Part II, surround sound
Scott McLaughlin, Part III, surround sound
Mihai Cucu, video photography and editing
Sabina Bonnici, original creative producer  


Perisonic concert performance, Dublin Sound Lab, SMock Alley Theatre, DublinPerisonic, part II (photo: Mihai Cucu)

Perisonic concert performance, Dublin Sound Lab, SMock Alley Theatre, Dublin Perisonic, part III (photo: Brendan Corcoran)